Straightening Out the Straight-Through Estimator:
Overcoming Optimization Challenges in Vector Quantized Networks

Minyoung Huh1
Brian Cheung1 2
Pulkit Agrawal1
Phillip Isola1






This work examines the challenges of training neural networks using vector quantization using straight-through estimation. We find that a primary cause of training instability is the discrepancy between the model embedding and the code-vector distribution. We identify the factors that contribute to this issue, including the codebook gradient sparsity and the asymmetric nature of the commitment loss, which leads to misaligned code-vector assignments. We propose to address this issue via affine re-parameterization of the code vectors. Additionally, we introduce an alternating optimization to reduce the gradient error introduced by the straight-through estimation. Moreover, we propose an improvement to the commitment loss to ensure better alignment between the codebook representation and the model embedding. These optimization methods improve the mathematical approximation of the straight-through estimation and, ultimately, the model performance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods on several common model architectures, such as AlexNet, ResNet, and ViT, across various tasks, including image classification and generative modeling.

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We observe that a primary cause of training instability is attributed to a shift in the embedding distribution. As the embedding distribution P shifts, it misaligns with the codebook distribution C. The misalignment occurs due to the sparse, delayed, and inaccurate straight-through estimation used to update the codebook. The set of assigned code-vectors Q continuously shrinks as models are trained for longer. This phenomenon is referred to as "index collapse".

To reduce this divergence, we propose an affine re-parameterization of the code-vectors that can better match the moments of the embedding representation. An affine re-parameterization with shared parameters ensures that the code-vectors that do not have an assignment still receive gradients. The affine parameters can either be learned or computed using running statistics. This can be easily extended beyond a single affine parameter to a group.

We can directly observe the effect of affine re-parameterization by visualizing the P, C, and Q using a low-dimensional projection.

The inaccuracy of the straight-through-estimator is proportional to the error in the commitment loss -- the divergence between P and Q. In order to reduce the inaccurate estimation, we use a coordinate descent style optimization approach in which we first reduce the commitment loss before minimizing the task loss (alternated optimization).

Not only is the straight-through estimation inaccurate we find that the representation of the codebook is always delayed by a single iteration, resulting in a slowdown in convergence. We remove the delay in the codebook representation by further updating the codebook in the direction that minimizes task loss (synchronized commitment loss).

A toy example below shows how these changes affect the optimization trajectory.

Combining our proposed methods above, we get a consistent improvement in various VQ-based tasks, including generative modeling and image classification. The figure below is generated using MaskGIT* framework for CelebA. OPT refers to both alternating optimization + synchronized commitment loss. Refer to the main paper for additional results, including image classification.

(*Note: MaskGIT was trained without perceptual and discriminative loss to reduce training and memory overhead.)

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        import torch
        from vqtorch.nn import VectorQuant

        # create VQ layer 
        vq_layer = VectorQuant(
                        feature_size=32,    # feature dimension corresponding to the vectors
                        num_codes=1024,     # number of codebook vectors
                        beta=0.98,          # (default: 0.95) commitment trade-off
                        kmeans_init=True,   # (default: False) whether to use kmeans++ init
                        norm=None,          # (default: None) normalization for input vector
                        cb_norm=None,       # (default: None) normalization for codebook vectors
                        affine_lr=10.0,     # (default: 0.0) lr scale for affine parameters
                        sync_nu=0.2,        # (default: 0.0) codebook synchronization contribution
                        replace_freq=20,    # (default: 0) frequency to replace dead codes
                        dim=-1              # (default: -1) dimension to be quantized

        # when using `kmeans_init`, a warmup is recommended 
        with torch.no_grad():
            z_e = torch.randn(1, 32, 32, 3).cuda()

        # standard forward pass 
        z_q, vq_dict = vq_layer(z_e) # equivalent to above

        >>> (1, 64, 64, 32)



Minyoung Huh would like to thank his lab members for helpful feedbacks. Minyoung Huh was funded by ONR MURI grant N00014-22-1-2740.

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