Fall 2021

Staff's pick

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Vision transformers

Temporal Shift Module - Zero-Computation, Zero-Parameter Solution for Efficient Video Understanding

Generalization by asking! How can prompt engineering be the gateway to zero-shot generalization?

GANs for Sequence Modeling

Over-squashing in Graph Neural Networks

A Visual Exploration of Neural Radiance Fields

NeRF - From Foam Guns to Red Drums

Human Cognition Inspired Word Segmentation Models

Open Sourcing Deep Learning Models for Healthcare

Simple Tricks for Improving the Expressivity of Graph Neural Networks

Fake News Detection on Social Media using Geometric Deep Learning

Transformer-powered Object Detection

Coreference Resolution for Literary Texts

Large Scale Image Completion via Co-Modulated GANs

Differentiation Of Blackbox Combinatorial Solvers

How Do We Attack a Contrastive Model?

CLIP, GANs, and Art

Cooperative Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Urban Feature Extraction For Building Performance Studies

Self-Supervised Audio-Visual Cross-Modal Learning

Audio-Visual Scene Analysis with Self-Supervised Multisensory Features

Attention Solves TSP

AlphaGo’s Journey to Becoming Arguably the Best Player In History

AI in Medicine; Considerations, Challenges, and Opportunities

GIRAFFE - Controllable 3D scenes

Implicit Neural Representations For 3D Scene Reconstruction - How Building in Better Inductive Biases Creates Better Models